Frames & Albums

 At Ted's, we firmly believe that you should print your images, not just leave them on your digital storage. Whether you print your images in a lab or print them at home, creating a hard copy of your photograph is just the first step in preserving and presenting your photo with respect. The next step is to find a photo album or frame for your photograph.

Ted's stock various frames and albums for photographs of different sizes. This includes our Profile photo frame and album range; Profile is an Australian-owned company and is the largest manufacturer of quality timber photo frames. As well as these timber photo frame options, Profile also produces metal photo frames, and slip-in and drymount photo albums for storing a large range of photos in different sizes. Whether you have one special photo frame that you want to present on your wall, a range of photos that you think would make a beautiful photo wall, or a large stack of prints that you want to store safely in an album, view our range of Profile photo finishing products online or at your local Ted's store.

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