A Ride Around The Block - Richard West

29 August 2016

During July and August this year, Ted's Maroochydore customer, avid photographer and "Everyday Hero" Richard West, made it his mission to ride his motorcycle around Australia in 62 days, with the goal of raising $10,000 for the charity Beyond Blue.

He was kind enough to share his images and story here...

A Ride Around The Block - Richard WestA Ride Around The Block - Richard West

Muhammad Ali said, “If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it - then I can achieve it.” Floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee Muhammed Ali achieved great things both inside and outside of the ring.
Keeping the mind and heart focused to achieve great things is inspiring stuff.

But depression can make even the smallest tasks appear like mountainous obstacles. Sometimes we need help to get us back in mental shape to overcome the problems that keep us from functioning.
I've been lucky to have an opportunity to ride solo around Australia on a motorcycle. I want to do this in 62 days. A day for each year of my life. I intend to reflect on each of those 62 years. Ups and downs.

I'm inspired by the work of Beyond Blue and wanted to support them by raising money. My hope is that this project, 'A RIDE AROUND THE BLOCK', will raise awareness of the importance of mental health and the great work they do. Hope, Recovery. Resilience.

Please help me help them by giving whatever you can and clicking HERE

Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

Richard West

Ted's would like to thank Richard for sharing his story and wonderful images with us. If you'd like to read about another journey for charity, please check out Craig Robinson's flight for Prostate Cancer awareness.

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