Andrew Peacock "One on One" - Part 02
Part two of our One on One series on Ted's Master Andrew Peacock, an Australian doctor and a successful adventure travel photographer whose breathtaking imagery tells stories of the far-flung places he's explored. After graduating in 1991 Andrew worked as a surgical resident in California where he developed a passion for rock climbing and exploring the mountainous regions of the world. Around the same time, photography entered his life and since then his journeys have been infused with a desire to return home with bold and creative images.
In case you missed it, here's Part One.
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Don't forget to check back regularly for more inspiring content from Andrew and the rest of our Masters. For expert advice and to shop our wide range of cameras and photography gear, head into your local Ted’s store.
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Tracking Snow Leopards with Andrew Peacock
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Andrew Peacock - Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya