One on one with Jason Lau in isolation
Now is the time to refine your photography and focus on subjects local to your area.
We ask our Ted's Master Jason Lau about his photography journey through isolation. Read on to receive some helpful tips and tricks to growing your photography at this time.
What has the extra time over isolation allowed you to achieve?
I took a big motorcycle ride down the Great Ocean Road and was experimenting with creating video and stills with the new GoPro Hero 8. It’s an impressive little camera. As far as locations for photography goes I don’t believe you need to go too far. I’ve been trying to create interesting portraits simply in front of a white wall and using lighting to create mood.
What are some tips and tricks to improve your photography locally?
Shoot whatever you can. Too many photographers waste time thinking there’s nothing to shoot. If you have a window, shoot some window portraits. If you have a collection of trinkets, photograph those in interesting ways. If there’s no one around, photograph yourself. Shooting anything helps you improve your photography. Nothing is boring unless you let it be that way.
Now is the perfect time to boost your social presence. Do you have any suggestions for fellow photographers trying to grow their following?
I find that if your social media accounts are focused on a particular subject, style or concept, it’s easier to gain a strong following. Build on the consistency and quality of your work and engage with the community you are in.
How has this period of isolation changed your perspective on photography?
This period of isolation has been hard on many individuals and businesses. The photography industry like most of the creative industry has been very hard hit by this situation. It makes me more aware of how vulnerable and difficult it is to make it as a creative. It won’t always be like this and we have to support our creatives when all the restrictions are over.
Going forward will there be new adventures and directions you have planned during this time. Could you give us some insight?
I’ve been enjoying learning how to create video content and hope to use these new skills in creating resources to help creatives improve their business skills.
Do you have any recent photographic projects that you'd like to share?
I’ve been combining my love of watches with photography and it’s something I can do from my own home. I enjoy learning new styles of photography. Putting small setups together and learning how to light shiny things has been a fun way to spend my time.
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