Image Splitting: Create a Majestic Photo Series With One Image

30 January 2025

Photographers are always looking for a way to push the creative boundaries just a little more. There comes a time when simply looking through the lens and capturing an image isn’t enough - we need a challenge. While there are countless styles of photography for you to get creative with during the image capture phase, you shouldn't stop your experimentation here; you should challenge yourself during the image presentation phase too. 

Whether it is for online posting or physical image printing, get to know the exciting world of image splitting.

What do we mean by Image Splitting?

Image splitting involves segmenting a single image into numerous smaller parts. While traditionally photo sequencing involves selecting separate images that complement each other, splitting images adds a touch of intrigue, as we are forcing viewers to view a solitary image, just in smaller parts.

Image splitting usually involves separating the image into equal parts, either by 2 or by 3 but as we are breaking the rules anyway, we encourage you to experiment with different crops.

Image Splitting ExampleImage Splitting Example

What's the point of Image Splitting?

Image Splitting ExampleImage Splitting Example

As we pointed out, image splitting allows you to produce more intriguing art but there are also other reasons you should consider giving it a go.

By splitting your Image into separate parts, viewers are encouraged to spend a longer time taking it in, so they not only discover its meaning as a whole but also smaller details that they may have otherwise missed. You can also find new and interesting compositions within each segment, adding another creative process for you to enjoy and exploit.

If you are posting your image online, splitting it up allows you to create a feeling of suspense, as you can post the segments at different times, which acts as a teaser for the finished work.

Where can I use Image Splitting?

Image splitting is incredibly popular on the world's largest image-sharing platform, Instagram. Image splitting helps users to produce vibrant and exciting collages on Instagram, which can be viewed as a whole on the grid, as well as inspected one by one, for a slower and more suspenseful reveal.

We firmly believe that all photographers should be printing their photos; at least the best ones! Image splitting is a great opportunity for you to design and produce your very own photo wall. Select your favourite image suitable for splitting, and shop online for your chosen style of high-quality timber photo frames for the finishing touches.

Image Splitting ExampleImage Splitting Example

Photo books are one of our favourite ways to present our favourite images, whether they are family snaps or a collection of travel photographs. Use image splitting to present your images in your next photo book, either segmenting the image on one page, splitting the image in 

half for a full two-page spread, or even build suspense by separating the image over a few pages.

Bonus Image Splitting Tips

Do you like the idea of image splitting but are not entirely sure where to start? Here is a collection of tips to set you off on the right track.

  • Make use of an App: Have a look around and find out what is the best free photo split app, to make the process of splitting simple and automated. This option is particularly handy for online posting.
  • Experiment with a different number of splits: Does your image look good split in two, or is it better suited to being split in three, which is otherwise known as a “triptych”? There is no wrong answer, so play around and see what works.
  • Consider your spacing: If your split image is presented on a photo wall, a major consideration is the spacing between the separate images. You want enough white space to create an impact, but too much will destroy the flow of your image. Once again, trial and error is the key to success. If you are splitting your images in PhotoShop, you can set up a canvas to be a similar scale to your wall, so you can get a good idea of what placement and spacing works, before you have even printed the images.
  • Keep your splits interesting: The most successful split image results will have an item of interest within each section. It doesn’t have to be too dramatic, just something to focus on. You can plan this by cropping your image first before you split - just keep in mind that cropping will lower your resolution, which will come into play when it comes time to choose a size for your prints.

Put the finishing touches on your work with Ted’s Printing

Photography is a journey of constant exploration, and that doesn't stop after you've captured and edited your images. Image splitting is just one way to push creative boundaries and present your work uniquely and unexpectedly. Whether you're dreaming of producing a stunning photo book, or a cherished family album, or simply want to print your masterpieces at home, Ted's Cameras is your one-stop shop for all your photography needs. Stop by your local Ted’s store for a chat today!

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