One on One with NOMADasaurus
Now is the time to refine your photography and focus on subjects local to your area.
We ask our Ted's Masters Pair Alesha and Jarryd about their photography journey through isolation. Read on to receive some helpful tips and tricks to growing your photography at this time.

What has the extra time over isolation allowed you to achieve?
During isolation we've really taken the time to slow down and focus on what we want to achieve with our business and what skills we want to develop creatively. We've started working on videography and learning new photo editing techniques, while fine-tuning the strategy on our main website, NOMADasaurus. We also launched a new website and brand, Van Life Theory, which will be focused on our new adventures travelling around Australia in a campervan.
Have you had many local photography adventures recently? Do you have three recommendations for where to go?
In the early days of isolation we actually bought a campervan to become our photography and adventure mobile tiny home, and as soon as restrictions lifted we hit the road full time! We explored a lot of New South Wales, and have just entered Queensland. So far our 3 recommendations of epic local photography destinations to check out are Kiama, Port Stephens and the Warrumbungles.
What are some tips and tricks to improve your photography locally?
Exploring our own backyard for the first time in over a decade has made us realise just how beautiful Australia is, and there are plenty of opportunities to improve your skills. But the main tip we have is to connect with other photographers and collaborate with them. Go out shooting and bounce ideas off of each other. You'll learn so much by surrounding yourself with other creatives.

Now is the perfect time to boost your social presence. Do you have any suggestions for fellow photographers trying to grow their following?
Growing your social following is a tricky thing these days, but try to focus on publishing great content that not only inspires, but helps others. Sharing photography tips in your captions is a great way to give back to the community. Collaboration and networking is a great way to grow your own audience too.
How has this period of isolation changed your perspective on photography?
For the photo of two birds at the puddle I pre-placed my camera with a wide-angle lens right next to the puddle well before the birds flew in. I fired the shutter remotely while standing 10 meters or so away. There was de1finitely a short ‘adjustment’ period when the birds approached more slowly than usual as they weren't sure about this strange object sitting by the water, but they soon forgot about it and their behaviour while drinking was normal.
Going forward will there be new adventures and directions you have planned during this time. Could you give us some insight?
We will be exploring Australia in our campervan indefinitely, creating all kinds of photo and video content about van life, Australia and running a business remotely. We have also started to shift our YouTube content to be more behind-the-scenes on how we create our photos, and will be sharing tonnes of photography tips, from long exposures to tourism products, and plenty more.
Do you have any recent photographic projects that you'd like to share?
We just completed a great project with Destination New South Wales, photographing the stunning Port Stephens region. And of course, on a personal photographic project, everything is about Australian landscapes now. You can find more info about this on our Instagram page.
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One on one with Jason Lau in isolation
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