Ansel Adams Birthday
“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” Ansel Adams

This month will mark what would have been Ansel Easton Adams 115th birthday, a name that defines landscape photography and pre-photoshop editing mastery.
Ansel Easton Adams was a famous and highly regarded photographer, master printer and environmentalist. His landscape images of the American West, most notably of Yosemite National Park, have been reproduced widely on posters, calendars and books.
Born in San Francisco, California on on February 20, 1902. Adams most widely recognised work, is his black and white landscapes of Yosemite National Park, he used his work to promote the protection and conservation of wilderness areas. His painstakingly created images helped to cement photography as a fine art. He died in California, on the 22nd of April, 1984.
Below are just a few of his images, to view his full collection, check out his official site
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